Hi, Welcome To My Blog!

We lose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too.

God made the horse from the breath of the wind, the beauty of the earth, and the soul of an angel.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Things About My Town

I love many things about my town. So here are some things I like about my town.
Attribution - http://mail.colonial.net/~hkaiter/Seasons.html

1. It has about 24,000 people. So it's quite large but not near as large as some other places.

2. Low crime rate

3. Has all four seasons

4. We are getting a cool water park

5. Has a several good restaurants including Big Red Keno

6. Large public library

7. Several lakes and camp grounds are near us
Attribution- http://blog.gpcom.com/

8. We are only two hours away from two big cities

9. Located in Nebraska

10. We have a Big Bang Boom fireworks show on the 4th of July.

Attribution - http://www.williamsportmd.gov/fourth_july.html

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Horrible Smell

    Our blogging assignment is to describe a strong memory based upon a smell. This smell has been stuck in my head for forever because it was so bad.  
This is just a random barn. Attribution -
    We were going to our trainer to get horse riding lessons. (We don't go to this trainer anymore.) She works in some really rich people's barn and trains their kids. Anyways, as we enter the barn connected to the riding arena, this horrible smell rolls over us. My eyes and nose burned until I got used to it. Part of the cause for the smell was what they were feeding their horses, the large number of horses they had, and they had to keep the doors shut because it was cold out. They could also have probably cleaned the stalls a little more often everyday.
   The trainer we go to now has a very large, nice, and clean barn. 

6 Legged Calf

On tween tribune there is an article about a baby calf that was born with six legs. It can only walk on four though.

The article about it is at...

It's amazing that the little guy lived. I think the calf is still kind of cute the way it is, but it would have been a lot cuter if it hadn't been born with the extra legs. I feel sorry for the little calf. She can't help that she was born with two extra legs and she will never be a normal cow. Her name is Lilli. I hope she has a happy life.