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We lose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too.

God made the horse from the breath of the wind, the beauty of the earth, and the soul of an angel.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Finals and other Random Stuff

Last week was finals week, and tomorrow is my first set of tests, so I've been really busy. Plus we have a show this weekend so I have to practice for that. Hope I do well with Toby. Two days ago we drained our old pool. We are getting a new one that's 10ft longer and 2ft wider, so its gonna be really awesome. I slipped and fell twice getting soaking wet before I just decided to play in the water in my jeans and good clothes. Oh well, everything will dry.
We have a lot of flowers to plant, including a plum tree, but for a while the weather was too cold to plant anything. It would be warm and then the next day freeze.

Here is an ADORABLE video of a little kitty and some iguanas >

2 more days and then schools out!!!! Yay!!!

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