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We lose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too.

God made the horse from the breath of the wind, the beauty of the earth, and the soul of an angel.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Next Leap Year

Our next leap year will be in 2016 on a Monday. So here are a few
things I might be doing that day.

  • I will probably be in school since it's on a Monday.

  • It will be my senior year.
  • I will be picking colleges and applying for scholarships. (Like my sister is doing now.) 

  • I will be helping to plan for my graduation party.

  • I will probably start practicing on the horse I am riding then, for the upcoming horse shows.

Cash (and Smokey)

So there is some things I might be doing that day. =)

Photo Attribution

- http://www.rocketcalendar.com/calendar/2016
- 02http://www.beckenhauerconstruction.com/Education.html
- http://www.sfcpa.edu/Commencement.htm
- ME!!

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