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We lose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too.

God made the horse from the breath of the wind, the beauty of the earth, and the soul of an angel.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Some Things You Don't Know About Me

Here a few things you might not know about me.

#1- Until second grade I used to hate reading. But after second grade and now? I LOVE it! Reading is one of my favorite hobbies.

#2 - I have won Youth Pinto World Reining in Talsa, Oklahoma twice now on my reiner Mr. Smoken Valentine (Smokey J).

#3 - I kind of like school and homework because they help me learn. And I like learning.

#4 - I don't watch TV much.  The only shows I watch are The Mentalist, Castle, NCIS ( the regular one NOT Los Angelos ), Hawaii 5 0, and maybe a few shows on animal planet or something like that.

#5 - I don't know who most singer, actors, etc. are. When someone tells/asks me about someone famous, I usually end up saying "Who??" Then they look at me like I'm crazy. =) I don't usually don't care about who a famous person is unless they are an author.

#6 -  I usually only listen to country music. Although I am starting to find new songs, that are not country, that I like.

#7 - I like things to follow a pattern or make a pattern somehow or make them match in someway. And I like to keep my notes very neat and organized. Although sometimes if I'm writing to fast, my notes don't look very organized or neat.

#8 - I HATE choosing favorite things, especially when it's a favorite book or song. I usually don't have a favorite. I just put something down. Although some favorite series are the Ranger's Apprentice, Maximum Ride, and the Inheritance Cycle. There are MANY more I could add to that list.

There are some things about me you might not have known.

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